Faster Pinewood Derby Cars

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 6th Grade Science Project

March 25, 2002

The Pinewood Derby Track (page 2)

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Our second track next to our first track.

tracks_8429a.jpg (165984 bytes)  tracks_8430a.jpg (128006 bytes)

Jig for routing out the start gate slots
trackrouterjig_8394a.jpg (83202 bytes)

Alignment pins and backing support for splices

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Spring actuated start gate with reset switch for the lane timer.  The 1/2" dowels are set in a 2x4 that is mounted to the bottom of the track with a short piece of piano hinge. 

The trigger is mounted on a piece of all-thread.

 trackgate_8407a.jpg (104898 bytes)

trackgate_1951a.jpg (97487 bytes)  trackgate_1952a.jpg (99963 bytes)

The 4 ft. skid ramp at the end of the track is half an inch high and is covered with black electrical friction tape.  There is a 2" foam pad at the end but only the fastest cars get that far.  And even then, just barely. 
Car accessories aren't damaged by crashing into a pillow at high speed.

We change the friction tape regularly since it loses it's "sticky" over time. A longer stop ramp would be better. We may build a 6 ft. ramp at some point.

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skid.jpg (53226 bytes)

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